Interesting Science Experiences

Interesting Science Experiences

  1. Can you locate the star groups, such as the big Dipper, the Little Dipper, and others? If you can obtain a series of star maps, one for each season of the year, you may wish to study the night sky. Pick a clear, dark evening, and go as far away from any light as you can.
  2. Have you ever tried taking photographs of the Milky Way, or of other groups of stars? An ordinary camera will do. Load the camera, set the shutter so that it is wide open and stays that way, and then put the camera on a firm box. Make sure it is pointing at a star or group of stars. Let the shutter stay open two hours or longer, if possible. What kind of pictures did you get? Be sure to do this on a moonless night, and away from electric lights.
  3. Watch the newspapers and magazine for articles about the new telescope at Mt. Palomar. Your class might be interested in hearing you tell them what is in the articles that you find. Continue reading